Lexicon and profile of man

The bottom of the stove, three rows of unbaked bricks of ordinary clay and an inch and a half of ashes, the vault one layer of unbaked bricks of Valenza clay and another layer of baked bricks.
Loose earth should be put with the ashes.
The wood of the frame of the bombards should be covered an inch deep in cinders.
The mouth of the stove, that is where the flame enters, ought to be of large bricks of Valenza clay.
Each of two flues ought to be for the half of the window for the entrance of the flame.

[First words in the list]Intercisa, confirm, imagine, determination, intellect, etc.
Codex Trivulzianus, Milan, Castello Sforzesco.
One of Leonardo’s oldest manuscripts dating from 1487-1490 and containing five sheets which bear witness to his study of architecture and caricature as well as a desire to perfect his literary education.
Milan, Biblioteca del Castello Sforzesco, Codex Trivulzianus, f.30 r.
On a same page, the profile of a man is shown alongside a method for making a furnace and a list of Latin/Italian vocabulary. The fact that Leonardo had no humanistic education barred his access to scholarly texts in Latin. However, he endeavoured to expand his vocabulary and had particularly complex texts explained to him by learned acquaintances.