3. Smart home ?
A smart home, but what for? The idea of fitting our home with sensors and screens is not new. Currently, these interconnected devices are mostly at work in offices, providing optimised energy consumption, security systems and more comfortable environments. However, their future in the home is not so easy to predict.
Will we remotely control our ovens or air conditioning systems from smartphones? Will we opt to manufacture and build our furniture ourselves? Will we choose recycled and entirely recyclable items? Will we use social networks to share domestic appliances and modes of transport?
> AT THE EXHIBITION, don't miss
My interactive house
A collaborative, interactive game allowing visitors to manipulate the control system of a smart and communicative home.

Directed by Camille Le Bris. Universcience, 2012.
Duration: 2 minutes
Introduction to an eco-design approach to manufacturing industrial products.
> Watch the video (silent film)
Fab Lab
Directed by Camille Le Bris. Universcience, 2012.
Duration: 5 minutes
Designing and producing FabLab products: 4 projects under the lens.
> Watch the video (silent film)
Directed by Camille Le Bris. Universcience, 2012.
Duration: 3 minutes
The objects around us will communicate amongst themselves and with us using sensors connected to the Internet.
> Watch the video (silent film)