Africa2020 is a pan-African and multidisciplinary project focusing on innovation in the arts, sciences, technology, entrepreneurship and the economy. For this season, La Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, the Carrefour numérique² and 12 FabLabs in Africa organised a Global hackathon. The SDGs Challenge for Africa2020 took place in 8 African countries at the same time and online for French residents (due to the lockdown).
LIVE SDG Challenge for Africa2020
Relive the event on social media!
- Twitter : #HackathonAfrica2020
- Facebook : Event page
- Youtube : watch the progress videos on Youtube!
The challenge hosts & participants
12 African FabLabs and le Carrefour numérique² hosted the challenge (face to face and/or distant) on 11th, 12th and 13th December.
Each FabLab chose to work on one or several Sustainable Developpment Goals (SDGs).
Please find on the map as follows where all the participants came from :