5. Building and renovating
In the 1950s, during the housing crisis, homes had to be built on a grand scale. Energy consumption only became a concern in the 1970s, when the "oil shock" occurred.
The situation now requires urgent attention: we have to rethink the way that new buildings are designed and, above all, make old buildings more efficient. Current buildings will still represent 70% of real estate in 2050. Solutions do exist: bioclimatic design, insulation, positive-energy buildings, adapting to local conditions, using renewable energy sources, etc. There is not one all-encompassing solution. Every step in the lifecycle of buildings needs to be rethought from the ground up, so that they consume less energy and are less damaging to the environment.
> AT THE EXHIBITION, don't miss
An interactive simulation game where you can create a participative construction project: build a collective building designed with the environment in mind.
An interactive simulation game allowing you to renovate an old house using energy-efficient techniques and materials.
An energy-efficient home
A multimedia device allowing you to discover the techniques and appliances of a highly energy-efficient home.